The unique, stable and ultra-fast connection your business needs

Dedicated Internet

Every business needs the stable connection and reliability of a Dedicated Link

TLN Dedicated adalah layanan Internet dengan jaminan pengiriman kinerja tinggi. Bahkan setelah mengontrak paket internet berkecepatan tinggi dengan operator umum, seringkali kualitas yang diharapkan tidak dijamin karena tautan dibagikan. Dengan tautan kami, kami menjamin kecepatan koneksi untuk apa pun tujuan penggunaannya: banyak pengguna mengunduh, mengunggah, streaming, kelas video, hidup, mengakses sistem video, antara lain.


Koneksi dilakukan melalui serat optik dan memungkinkan Anda menikmati teknologi terkini.


Main advantages of the dedicated link

High capacity and stability with speed from 10Mbps to 10Gbps.

Contractual guarantee of speed and bandwidth symmetry for download and upload.

Possibility of bandwidth distribution among company users.


Active monitoring in own NOC with celebrity in problem solving.


Redundant access and service recovery assurance.


BroadBand and SLA customized to your company’s demands


More solutions with Fiber Optic Link

Dark fiber


Fibra Erased or Dark Fiber is an optical fiber structure installed and ready to work.

It is ideal for companies, providers and operators who need high data flow and who are looking for rapid expansions, or even increases in seasonal bandwidth consumption. Scalability and predictability are two important features of Sothis Erased Fiber.


Point to point link


This solution provides a unique and high-speed data traffic path between two locations, such as branch offices and headquarters, for example.

This route can make the costs of voice communication with IP and data usage more viable, as it uses a direct channel without the need to use the contracted bandwidth.

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